Gradia Jyväskylä
Gradia Jyväskylä is a multidisciplinary vocational institute that provides education for more than 4000 young people annually, preparing them for dozens of different careers. The “Career Start” Programme helps school leavers in their career choices. Gradia Jyväskylä also offers studies towards completing basic education and raising leaving certificate grades, and basic art education in music and dance for children and youth. In 2013 Gradia Jyväskylä was awarded the National Quality Award especially for the development work done on entrepreneurship education. Gradia Jyväskylä is part of the Jyväskylä Educational Consortium.
The Jyväskylä Educational Consortium is owned by Central Finnish municipalities and it carries out regional development schemes in accordance with the education policy of Central Finland. It provides vocational education for the needs of trade and industry and public sector and is also an active player in the world of work.
Gradia Jyväskylä sends annually around 200 students in various IVT programmes abroad for 6-12 weeklong exchange periods and hosts around 100 incoming students for 2-24 weeks. Gradia Jyväskylä is currently also involved in various national and international projects both as coordinator as well as partner in many subjects and topics, for example: curriculum development, ECVET, competence-based learning, assessment/skills demonstrations, guidance and counselling, entrepreneurship as well as development of quality processes. We aim at increasing both the quantity and the quality of our international mobility – both for students and staff. Regarding international activities, internationalisation at home and vocational pathways with international emphasis are in the focus of development work at the moment.