GBS St. Gallen
The School of Design at the GBS St. Gallen is the most important and most traditional training center for visual communication and design-art in vocational and higher education in Eastern Switzerland.
The School of Design has its roots in 1783 and is the oldest vocational school of design in the German talking part of Europe. St. Gallen as a book town and well known for its textile industry in the last century was until recently responsible for the school. In 2005, it went over to the Canton of St. Gallen and is a part of the Industrial Vocational and Higher-Education Center St. Gallen (GBS St. Gallen). The profiling of the school of design as a center of excellence in the field of art, fashion, design and printing is strengthened through new offerings and integration with practice, creativity, experimentation and visionary thinking: open eyes – craft practice – world experience.
At the GBS St. Gallen, about 4.900 students from 19 cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein are taught in 48 different occupations in 10 school buildings in vocational education and training. Another 1200 students are following higher education studies with Federal Diploma of Professional Education and Training. The vocational Education of the GBS St. Gallen is divided into five departments: school of design, construction, technical occupations, service occupations and part-time baccalaureate. The higher education of the GBS St. Gallen is divided into two departments: school of design and construction. Whether day course or course over several semesters – technical, social and methodological skills are guaranteed. The teaching team consists of proven professionals with years of professional and teaching experience. They impart knowledge-practical with the latest developments.
At the school of design about 60 teachers promote some 500 students in vocational education and provide the necessary theoretical and technical knowledge as well as general education and sports. Another 80 teachers are involved in the higher education courses of the school of design.
Work is done using modern equipment and materials, not to mention head and crafts. The aim is to strengthen the young professionals on their way to a future career in their skills and give them the necessary knowledge along the way. All the students have a contract with a company when they start at the school. In general, the students attend for one or two days a week the school of design and work during the rest of the time in their company. Practical courses offered by the associations of the professions complete the education. The normal apprenticeship lasts three or four years.